Dec 9, 2009

Our First Christmas Tree (Skirt!)

Joy to the World, Our Tree Skirt's Done! It took longer than I thought it would, but as you can see, it turned out BEAUTIFUL! I handmade this skirt without a Pattern! (sorry there's no pattern to share!) When I'm sewing, I just kinda wing things! I also wanted to quilt it, but more wanted to get it around our tree! Maybe it'll be quilted before next Christmas. The dark green around the edges was my favorite. I sort of folded and bunched the fabric at the top to make a flowing skirt like appearence. Some spots were difficult to sew, but the end result is an A+! I also have to thank my neighbor King for the patch with our name and year. She has a fancy machine that embroiderers, and was willing to make this for us! How Professional! Thank you! Now that the skirt is finished, I'm going to make matching stockings! (again, with no pattern! Just going to wing-it!)
And here is our completed (almost) 1st Christmas tree!! Tree in a box didn't turn out to shabby. I miss the smell. The tree is 7 1/2 ft tall, with only 400 lights on it. I think next year, we'll double it. I want to see that pine glow! We are also still without a Tree topper! YIKES!!! This weekend we're completing our shopping, so I think we'll find one together then. And lastly, thoughts on Tinsel???? Some people drown their tree in the silverly strands. I'm not one of those. I like to pick out each and every ornament. But a little tinsel won't hurt.

Dec 4, 2009

O Christmas Tree...

So jdw and I have made a decision about Our First Christmas Tree. We bought what' I'm calling, 'Tree in a Box', which is a Fake tree to everyone else. Yup.. unit C3, it's just full of the Christmas Spirit. And as sad as that sounds, it's even sadder through my eyes. In the compromise, I did manage to swaggle a Real Wreath for the front door. :) (Secretly, I was very worried about the pine needles falling into the MicroShag carpet! They'd probaly be stuck there until July! So it's a win for me.) Now I just need to complete the Tree skirt I'm working on! (to be posted, Once complete!)

Nov 20, 2009

Giving Thanks!

One Week til Thanksgiving- and so much to give Thanks for.

7. another year of working. May I continue to be blessed in 2010!

6. Another Semester done! Only 3 more to go!

5. Our First House, and making it a Home Together.

4. That jdw leaves the light on for me on class nights.

3. The Surprise Dinners MIL, Sheri, makes me.

2. The continued support from my Mom.

1. That jdw & I are Happy, Healthy, and Hopeful!

(Somewhat wishing that this picture captured Mr. Turkey's Feet. He so has leg warmers on. I'm thankful for Legwarmers.)

Nov 16, 2009

Getting into the Season...

It finally came down to it yesterday. I had my first Hot Chocolate of the Season. It's offically Cold Outside. And I'm Loving it! I have in mind so many traditions for the holidays that I can't wait to do at our own home. And My Christmas project list is growing at a Rapid rate! I need to start documenting my craftings. I started working on a fabric ball for the newphew. And I still can't find the right material I need for our Advent Calendar! Gr! This week we also bought the items needed for the CAP Thanksgiving Baskets Our Church puts together. Stuffing, Gravy, Cranberries, Corn, Peas, Yellow Cake! Mm! It feels good to do good for others! I can't wait until Thanksgiving! because the next day- is Decorating in Christmas Spirit day! aw.

Oct 8, 2009

Day One.

So. First Blog Post. What to write about... I guess I Can explain the tree. As a Master's Student, we receive very difficult assignments that require lots of time & research. This is not such the case. Assignment: Family Tree. Okay, techincally, determine the 3 pt code's of 9 members in your family tree. Big Deal. Never leaving behind an opportunity to get creative, I'm going to be using an amazing brush set of trees (from for my prepared paper. { See Tree Above } I am in love with it! My Obsesssion for brushes is starting to morph into Digital Scrapbooking. I have a feeling that I'm on my way there. Of Course, never to give up on my hands gluing! Bring on the dot, the squares, the stick, the tacky, and the hot!